International Purchasers List
(国际采购商名录) International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录)


This is the Category of this website, click category name to browse detail information. 这是本站目录,点击目录名称浏览详细信息。

Industry Category

  1. Hardware (五金制品) - 12,270 Buyers
  2. Sports and Tourism Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) - 8,428 Buyers
  3. Office Stationery (办公文具) - 4,286 Buyers
  4. Chemical and Mineral (化工及矿产) - 6,475 Buyers
  5. Health Products and Medical Devices (医药保健品及医疗器械) - 2,897 Buyers
  6. Utensils, Kitchenware and Tableware (器皿及餐厨用品) - 4,847 Buyers
  7. Gardening (园艺) - 785 Buyers
  8. Soil Animal (土畜产品) - 403 Buyers
  9. Carpets and Tapestries (地毯及挂毯) - 486 Buyers
  10. Furniture (家具) - 1,834 Buyers
  11. Home Appliances (家用电器) - 2,931 Buyers
  12. Home Textiles (家用纺织品) - 1,668 Buyers
  13. Small Vehicles and Spare Parts (小型车辆及配件) - 1,006 Buyers
  14. Tool (工具) - 727 Buyers
  15. Building Materials (建材) - 185 Buyers
  16. Embroidery (抽纱) - 189 Buyers
  17. Commodity (日用品) - 1,102 Buyers
  18. Clothing (服装) - 3,409 Buyers
  19. Machinery and Equipment (机械及设备) - 1,240 Buyers
  20. Lamps Lighting (灯具灯饰) - 904 Buyers
  21. Toy (玩具) - 1,570 Buyers
  22. Carved Jade Jewelry and Bone (珠宝及骨刻玉雕) - 393 Buyers
  23. Electronic and Information Products (电子及信息产品) - 2,910 Buyers
  24. Gift (礼品) - 2,050 Buyers
  25. Luggage (箱包) - 516 Buyers
  26. Textile Raw Materials and Fabrics (纺织原料面料) - 558 Buyers
  27. Woven Goods (编织品) - 90 Buyers
  28. Adornment (装饰品) - 295 Buyers
  29. Furs, Leather, Down and Related Products (裘革皮羽绒及制品) - 123 Buyers
  30. Vehicles and Construction Machinery (车辆及工程机械) - 318 Buyers
  31. Watch Glasses (钟表眼镜) - 177 Buyers
  32. Iron Ore Products (铁石制品) - 39 Buyers
  33. Ceramics (陶瓷) - 193 Buyers

More: Industry Index

Country Category

  1. United States (美国) - 6,994 Buyers
  2. Hong Kong (香港) - 14,488 Buyers
  3. China (中国) - 3,284 Buyers

More: Country Category

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