International Purchasers List
(国际采购商名录) International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录)

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International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录)

There are more than 65,000 international buyers from 33 industries and 190 countries here.


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📊 Industry Index

  1. Hardware (五金制品): 15,427 Buyers
  2. Sports and Tourism Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品): 15,311 Buyers
  3. Office Stationery (办公文具): 13,083 Buyers
  4. Chemical and Mineral (化工及矿产): 16,605 Buyers
  5. Health Products and Medical Devices (医药保健品及医疗器械): 10,353 Buyers
  6. Utensils, Kitchenware and Tableware (器皿及餐厨用品): 18,837 Buyers
  7. Gardening (园艺): 4,835 Buyers
  8. Soil Animal (土畜产品): 2,585 Buyers
  9. Carpets and Tapestries (地毯及挂毯): 4,742 Buyers
  10. Furniture (家具): 13,493 Buyers
  11. Home Appliances (家用电器): 15,510 Buyers
  12. Home Textiles (家用纺织品): 10,545 Buyers
  13. Small Vehicles and Spare Parts (小型车辆及配件): 5,582 Buyers
  14. Tool (工具): 11,395 Buyers
  15. Building Materials (建材): 10,818 Buyers
  16. Embroidery (抽纱): 2,381 Buyers
  17. Commodity (日用品): 14,765 Buyers
  18. Clothing (服装): 14,642 Buyers
  19. Machinery and Equipment (机械及设备): 11,464 Buyers
  20. Lamps Lighting (灯具灯饰): 12,572 Buyers
  21. Toy (玩具): 16,122 Buyers
  22. Carved Jade Jewelry and Bone (珠宝及骨刻玉雕): 4,850 Buyers
  23. Electronic and Information Products (电子及信息产品): 20,447 Buyers
  24. Gift (礼品): 28,739 Buyers
  25. Luggage (箱包): 10,970 Buyers
  26. Textile Raw Materials and Fabrics (纺织原料面料): 8,926 Buyers
  27. Woven Goods (编织品): 5,163 Buyers
  28. Adornment (装饰品): 15,439 Buyers
  29. Furs, Leather, Down and Related Products (裘革皮羽绒及制品): 5,920 Buyers
  30. Vehicles and Construction Machinery (车辆及工程机械): 4,776 Buyers
  31. Watch Glasses (钟表眼镜): 11,624 Buyers
  32. Iron Ore Products (铁石制品): 4,896 Buyers
  33. Ceramics (陶瓷): 12,480 Buyers

📊 Hot Companies Index (Cont.)

  1. chokerattanakul import co., ltd
  2. fantasy trading s.a.
  3. comercial de herramientas sa de cv
  4. evergrowth laboratories usa
  5. wachsmuth & krogmann (far east) ltd
  6. rich imports, inc.
  7. le mans ltda
  8. yanada motorcycles sarl
  9. fluxline trading sdn bhd
  10. narmah (hk) limited
  11. lg sourcing inc
  12. smart year limited
  13. mandarin-trade oeg
  14. troquelados kley sa de cv
  15. pt multichem indo persada
  16. prime dollar inc
  17. adriaanse import export bv
  18. promlink enterprises, co.
  19. condor manufacturing ltd
  20. maquiten s.a.
  21. harkness & young ltd
  22. local guide program
  23. westside austria ltd
  24. narmah (hk) ltd
  25. wachsmuth & krogmann (far east) ltd.
  26. boezer import export
  27. chinawinds group middle east
  28. natal trading company
  29. sparkle way limited
  30. debbi concepts
  31. po box 95991
  32. materiales y soluciones s.a.
  33. panon limited
  34. plicosa international (hk) ltd
  35. maderas alfa inc

🌐 Country Index

  1. Oman (阿曼) - 32 Buyers
  2. Afghanistan (阿富汗) - 40 Buyers
  3. Argentina (阿根廷) - 227 Buyers
  4. United Arab Emirates (阿联酋) - 658 Buyers
  5. Aruba (阿鲁巴) - 8 Buyers
  6. Albania (阿尔巴尼亚) - 30 Buyers
  7. Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆) - 8 Buyers
  8. Algeria (阿尔及利亚) - 98 Buyers
  9. Egypt (埃及) - 383 Buyers
  10. Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚) - 7 Buyers
  11. Ireland (爱尔兰) - 205 Buyers
  12. Estonia (爱沙尼亚) - 22 Buyers
  13. Andorra (安道尔) - 8 Buyers
  14. Angola (安哥拉) - 22 Buyers
  15. Antigua (安提瓜) - 5 Buyers
  16. Austria (奥地利) - 85 Buyers
  17. Australia (澳大利亚) - 2,258 Buyers
  18. Bahrain (巴林) - 41 Buyers
  19. Brazil (巴西) - 237 Buyers
  20. Bahamas (巴哈马) - 33 Buyers
  21. Paraguay (巴拉圭) - 25 Buyers
  22. Panama (巴拿马) - 87 Buyers
  23. Palestine (巴勒斯坦) - 42 Buyers

🌐 Country Index (Cont.)

  1. Luxembourg (卢森堡) - 9 Buyers
  2. Rwanda (卢旺达) - 3 Buyers
  3. Romania (罗马尼亚) - 52 Buyers
  4. Mali (马里) - 13 Buyers
  5. Malta (马耳他) - 18 Buyers
  6. Malawi (马拉维) - 5 Buyers
  7. Madagascar (马达加斯加) - 28 Buyers
  8. Maldives (马尔代夫) - 18 Buyers
  9. Malaysia (马来西亚) - 1,302 Buyers
  10. Marshall Islands (马绍尔群岛) - 1 Buyers
  11. Republic of Macedonia (马其顿共和国) - 7 Buyers
  12. Mauritius (毛里求斯) - 44 Buyer
  13. Martinique (毛里塔尼亚) - 4 Buyers
  14. United States (美国) - 6,994 Buyers
  15. Bengal (孟加拉) - 560 Buyers
  16. Peru (秘鲁) - 105 Buyers
  17. Myanmar (缅甸) - 35 Buyers
  18. Morocco (摩洛哥) - 183 Buyers
  19. Monaco (摩纳哥) - 7 Buyers
  20. Moldova (摩尔多瓦) - 10 Buyers
  21. Mozambique (莫桑比克) - 6 Buyers
  22. Mexico (墨西哥) - 530 Buyers
  23. South Africa (南非) - 497 Buyers

🌐 Country Index

  1. Barbados (巴巴多斯) - 9 Buyers
  2. Pakistan (巴基斯坦) - 1,464 Buyers
  3. Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚) - 9 Buyers
  4. Belarus (白俄罗斯) - 19 Buyers
  5. Bermuda (百慕大群岛) - 2 Buyers
  6. Bulgarian (保加利亚) - 48 Buyers
  7. Benin (贝宁) - 16 Buyers
  8. Belgium (比利时) - 272 Buyers
  9. Iceland (冰岛) - 17 Buyers
  10. Bolivia (玻利维亚) - 28 Buyers
  11. Poland (波兰) - 222 Buyers
  12. Puerto Rico (波多黎各) - 64 Buyers
  13. Botswana (博茨瓦纳) - 20 Buyers
  14. Belize (伯利兹) - 9 Buyers
  15. Republic of Palau (帛琉共和国) - 1 Buyers
  16. Burkina Faso (布基纳法索) - 3 Buyers
  17. North Korea (朝鲜) - 15 Buyers
  18. Equatorial Guinea (赤道几内亚) - 1 Buyers
  19. Denmark (丹麦) - 219 Buyers
  20. Germany (德国) - 793 Buyers

🌐 Country Index (Cont.)

  1. Yugoslavia (南斯拉夫) - 56 Buyers
  2. Nepal (尼泊尔) - 69 Buyers
  3. Niger (尼日尔) - 1 Buyers
  4. Nicaragua (尼加拉瓜) - 3 Buyers
  5. Nigeria (尼日利亚) - 832 Buyers
  6. Norway (挪威) - 120 Buyers
  7. Portugal (葡萄牙) - 166 Buyers
  8. Other countries (其他国家) - 594 Buyers
  9. Japan (日本) - 1,273 Buyers
  10. Sweden (瑞典) - 238 Buyers
  11. Switzerland (瑞士) - 93 Buyers
  12. El Salvador (萨尔瓦多) - 19 Buyers
  13. Saipan (塞班) - 24 Buyers
  14. Seychelles (塞舌尔) - 3 Buyers
  15. Sierra Leone (塞拉利昂) - 6 Buyers
  16. Senegal (塞内加尔) - 24 Buyers
  17. Cyprus (塞浦路斯) - 39 Buyers
  18. Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) - 557 Buyers
  19. San Marino (圣马力诺) - 6 Buyers
  20. Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡) - 276 Buyers

🌐 Country Index

  1. Togo (多哥) - 12 Buyers
  2. Dominican Republic (多米尼加) - 20 Buyers
  3. Russia (俄罗斯) - 437 Buyers
  4. Ecuador (厄瓜多尔) - 143 Buyers
  5. France (法国) - 1,004 Buyers
  6. French Guiana (法属圭亚那) - 3 Buyers
  7. French Polynesia (法属玻利尼西亚) - 27 Buyers
  8. Philippines (菲律宾) - 774 Buyers
  9. Finland (芬兰) - 102 Buyers
  10. Cape Verde (佛得角) - 1 Buyers
  11. Gambia (冈比亚) - 4 Buyers
  12. Congo (刚果) - 4 Buyers
  13. Colombia (哥伦比亚) - 295 Buyers
  14. Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加) - 77 Buyers
  15. Georgia (格鲁吉亚) - 3 Buyers
  16. Grenada (格林纳达) - 1 Buyers
  17. Cuba (古巴) - 2 Buyers
  18. Guadeloupe (瓜德罗普岛) - 10 Buyers
  19. Guyana (圭亚那) - 7 Buyers
  20. Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦) - 1 Buyers
  21. Haiti (海地) - 12 Buyers

🌐 Country Index (Cont.)

  1. Slovakia (斯洛伐克) - 15 Buyers
  2. Slovenia (斯洛文尼亚) - 35 Buyers
  3. Sudan (苏丹) - 31 Buyers
  4. Surinam (苏里南) - 9 Buyers
  5. Swaziland (苏威士兰) - 0 Buyers
  6. Solomon Islands (所罗门群岛) - 1 Buyers
  7. Tahiti Islands (塔西提群岛) - 2 Buyers
  8. Tajikistan (塔吉克斯坦) - 28 Buyers
  9. Thailand (泰国) - 849 Buyers
  10. Tanzania (坦桑尼亚) - 32 Buyers
  11. Trinidad and Tobago (特立尼达和多巴哥) - 47 Buyers
  12. Tunisia (突尼斯) - 67 Buyers
  13. Turkey (土耳其) - 705 Buyers
  14. Turkmenistan (土库曼斯坦) - 2 Buyers
  15. Guatemala (危地马拉) - 46 Buyers
  16. Venezuela (委内瑞拉) - 112 Buyers
  17. Brunei (文莱) - 22 Buyers
  18. Uganda (乌干达) - 15 Buyers
  19. Ukraine (乌克兰) - 164 Buyers
  20. Uruguay (乌拉圭) - 49 Buyers
  21. Uzbekistan (乌兹别克斯坦) - 1 Buyers

🌐 Country Index

  1. Korea (韩国) - 1,082 Buyers
  2. Netherlands (荷兰) - 384 Buyers
  3. Netherlands Antilles (荷属安第列斯) - 29 Buyers
  4. Honduras (洪都拉斯) - 16 Buyers
  5. Djibouti (吉布提) - 2 Buyers
  6. Kyrgyzstan (吉尔吉斯坦) - 1 Buyers
  7. Guinea (几内亚) - 3 Buyers
  8. Guinea (Bissau) (几内亚(比绍)) - 1 Buyers
  9. Ghana (加纳) - 857 Buyers
  10. Gabon (加蓬) - 5 Buyers
  11. Canada (加拿大) - 1,699 Buyers
  12. Canary Islands (加那利群岛) - 3 Buyers
  13. Cambodia (柬埔寨) - 20 Buyers
  14. Czech Republic (捷克) - 139 Buyers
  15. Zimbabwe (津巴布韦) - 15 Buyers
  16. Cameroon (喀麦隆) - 67 Buyers
  17. Qatar (卡塔尔) - 29 Buyers
  18. Kuwait (科威特) - 170 Buyers
  19. Comoros Islands (科摩罗群岛) - 1 Buyers
  20. C?te d'Ivoire (科特迪瓦) - 15 Buyers
  21. Croatia (克罗地亚) - 45 Buyers
  22. Kenya (肯尼亚) - 61 Buyers
  23. Latvia (拉脱维亚) - 26 Buyers
  24. Lesotho (莱索托) - 1 Buyers
  25. Laos (老挝) - 5 Buyers
  26. Lebanon (黎巴嫩) - 245 Buyers
  27. Libya (利比亚) - 22 Buyers
  28. Liberia (利比里亚) - 2 Buyers
  29. Lithuania (立陶宛) - 41 Buyers
  30. Liechtenstein (列支敦士登) - 3 Buyers
  31. Reunion (留尼旺) - 13 Buyers

🌐 Country Index (Cont.)

  1. Spain (西班牙) - 876 Buyers
  2. Western Samoa (西萨摩亚) - 1 Buyers
  3. West Indies (西印度群岛) - 7 Buyers
  4. Greece (希腊) - 238 Buyers
  5. Singapore (新加坡) - 1,142 Buyers
  6. New Zealand (新西兰) - 348 Buyers
  7. New Caledonia (新喀里多尼亚) - 6 Buyers
  8. Hungary (匈牙利) - 83 Buyers
  9. Syria (叙利亚) - 203 Buyers
  10. Jamaica (牙买加) - 18 Buyers
  11. Armenia (亚美尼亚) - 8 Buyers
  12. Yemen (也门) - 56 Buyers
  13. Iran (伊朗) - 498 Buyers
  14. Iraq (伊拉克) - 25 Buyers
  15. Israel (以色列) - 425 Buyers
  16. Italy (意大利) - 785 Buyers
  17. India (印度) - 2,271 Buyers
  18. Indonesia (印度尼西亚) - 953 Buyers
  19. England (英国) - 1,784 Buyers
  20. Jordan (约旦) - 89 Buyers
  21. Vietnam (越南) - 157 Buyers
  22. Zambia (赞比亚) - 8 Buyers
  23. Zaire (扎伊尔) - 8 Buyers
  24. Chad (乍得) - 4 Buyers
  25. Gibraltar (直布罗陀) - 1 Buyers
  26. Chile (智利) - 191 Buyers
  27. China (中国) - 3,284 Buyers
  28. Macao (澳门) - 394 Buyers
  29. Taiwan (台湾) - 4,153 Buyers
  30. Hong Kong (香港) - 14,488 Buyers
  31. Fiji (斐济) - 7 Buyers

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