International Purchasers List
(国际采购商名录) International Purchasers List (国际采购商名录)

Purchaser:Privacy policy

Our data come from professional business directories provider and users submit. You can publish information in free.If your information have already published,please consider it to be permanently saved. It include company information,message,user page and talk page.


Please make sure the information you publish is reasonable ,lawful and no copyright disputes.Becuase all information are in public so that all vistors of our website can view it.
Your account will be never deleted after you creat it.
Your operations to delete the information will not be saved .Only the webmaster can delete it in permanently.
Besides acting to Judicial action,we can’t guarantee to delete permanently on other occasions.


Delete or update the company infomations

Send email to delete.If you want to delete or update a page content, please provide the following items in the e-mail:

  • Website: Please offer the web adress which you want to delete, such as: "". If you want to update the information ,please also provide your correct infomations.
  • Description: Please offer the resaons why you want to delete the contents of the page.
  • Email: Please offer your e-mail address, for example: "",Because we will give you a reply by e-mail .

Please contact .Administrator will check the page after receiving your e-mail, then reply you within five working days,Thank you for your waiting.

Adding the company information

At present ,we limit the information publish in this website because of oversize data. Please kindly publish your supply and offer information at trade message .It will provide more business opportunities to you.


As this site is an enterprise information showcase, Some users mistakenly to treat it as a company or organization's official website and leave us messages. We fell helpless and worried that it may affect your progress. Hope you can get in touch with the enterprise and relevant organization by other ways.

Thanks for your long-term supporting and understanding,we will continue to provide customers with more comprehensive data displaying services!

Business Directory Centre

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2010-2025 v1.11 a-j-e-4